Monthly Archives: December 2012

First Sale!

Sold the first product out of the greenhouse today-6 pounds of spinach.  We’re certainly not quitting our jobs, but it was a landmark in our world.  I’m very excited!  Hopefully we  can sell 5-10lbs/week for the next month or so, and then a lot more come February.  Fun!

That spinach tastes good….

Been debating about when to harvest: is it ready?  is it big enough?  Had a local grower tell me today to harvest…this is what I’m doing this for!  Had another grower ask if I could send some pics.  So I decided to go out and harvest a bit and take some pictures.  Harvested a couple sparsely populated rows in about 20 minutes, yielding about one

and a half pounds of beautiful spinach.  I mean I don’t think I’ve ever seen spinach look this good.  Probably just because I’ve never grown it when it likes to be grown…in the cold weather.  And it tastes sweet!!  I’m scheduled to talk to the grower who requested the pictures sometime tonight.  He says he’s got some ideas for me.  Can’t wait!