Monthly Archives: June 2013

Look at these cuties!

Well, the final weekend of the sale that was supposed to only be one weekend was great….weather-wise!   It didn’t snow, and there were no tornados.  We didn’t learn there was a volcano under our house and there were no notable natural disasters.  That was a relief.

We did have a few people come out and buy some plants.  We were fortunate to meet some really nice folks who thought we had a beautiful spot.  I hope they come back next year.  I wasn’t overly thrilled with the product I was selling.  According to a couple farmer friends, the plants should do fine once they’re planted but it was hard to feel real good about them.  They were definitely starting to turn yellow…tomatoes and squash mostly(which was what people mostly wanted, of course).  The peppers seemed to hold their color very well.  Everything was just in the pots too long and ran out of nitrogen and other food.  Lesson for next year:  sow less, more often.  That should help keep a continuous supply of fresh, green, healthy looking plants.  I definitely sowed WAY too much.  I think I’d have less leftover if the weather had been more cooperative.  We may have seen a bit more traffic at our place and I think my wholesale accounts would have moved more product and bought more from me.  But I consider it a good lesson.  And my overhead will be a lot less next year, now that I’m set up with plenty of trays, leftover pots, I don’t have to buy a heater, pay a plumber to set it up, etc etc etc.  I’m very optimistic.  I’m also glad its over.
