If you are are reading this, odds are you have received an email from us letting you know that we have seedlings available for your purchase. We would love to make a party out of our new venture(which should come as no surprise to our dear friends!). On Saturday and Sunday, May 25th and 26th, from 10am to 4pm, you are welcome to visit our “infant” Friends and Neighbors Farm and purchase seedlings for your gardens and partake in whatever merriment may ensue…it’s on! Our seedlings look beautiful! Below is a list of the plants and varieties we have available. Feel free to email us with specific requests. We’d be happy to reserve whatever you’d like for you, because, of course, its all about you!!! Reserve your seedlings and show up late on Saturday…we’ll have a a cooler full of cold bevies. I might even move the piano into the greenhouse!
Being our first year and having no idea how many folks will show up, we really have no idea if we grew enough….we will find out, won’t we?
Here’s the list:
- Sakura Red Cherry
- Sungold Cherry
- Celebrity
- Big Beef
- Jet Star
- Roma
Peppers(1 Plant/3.5″ pot):
- Sweet Sunrise Bell
- Hot Paper Lantern Habenero
- Red Rocket Ristra
- Capperino Hot Cherry
Black Beauty Eggplant(1 Plant/3.5″ Pot)
Vates Kale(6 PK)
Red express Cabbage(6 PK)
Belstar Broccoli(6 PK)
Rainbow Chard Mix(6 PK)
Italian Flat Leaf Parsley(1 Plant/3.5″ Pot)
Cortland Onion(6 PK)
King Richard Leek
- Genovese(1 Plant/3.5″ Pot)
- Dark Opal Purple(6 PK)
- Lemon Basil(6 PK)
Zucchini and all below(1 Plant/3.5″ Pot):
- Cocozelle Green
- Goldy Yellow
Summer Squash
Marketmore cuke
N.Pickling cuke
PMR Delicious Cantaloupe melon
Burgess Buttercup
Tuffy Acorn
Baby Pam Pie Pumpkin
We will also have hanging baskets for sale. They are working hard to be as vibrant and magical as they can in a couple weeks. We’ll see if they succeed…
Here are directions to our place:
106 Cree Farm Rd, Marshfield, VT
Phone 802.426.2048
From Montpelier: RTE 2 East, Left on Creamery St in Marshfield, stay left, .5mi(give or take 1/4 mi) look for first rd on left, big fields with greenhouse and green house. There will be signs.
From St J: RTE 2 West, Right on Creamery St in Marshfield, stay left, .5mi(give or take 1/4 mi) look for first rd on left, big fields with greenhouse and green house. There will be signs.
From Calais: use the force….just because you can.
We will be there to buy some plants, enjoy the beautiful view, and celebrate your first big public sale! Might have to sing “home grown tomatoes: by Guy Clark! Kim
Nice work! I’ll deffiantly try to make it on saturday afternoon, I’ll just get whats available. So excited the farm dream is becoming a reality. No more Suits!